Friday, 22 June 2018

How To Get Full Efficiency Through The AC Systems?

Today each one of us is trying to bring down our electricity bills that are touching the sky with the passing time. An average American pays more than 40% of his summer bill on air cooling. This actually counts for a leak in your wallet if your AC gets one too. The air passes out of your room and house like money through various gaps, vents and windows. Well seriously you do not want any money to flow out like that out of your pocket. The very first thing that you must consider doing is checking for the leaks in windows. It really does not matter how big and effective AC system you have until and unless you take full care of the air gaps and leaks in your house. If you are a responsible home owner and cares about things on which you send most of the hard earned money each month then you will definitely care to save as much money that is escaping out of your pocket in terms of bill from your pocket.

If you feel all the windows and ventilators in your house are intact and fine then you must consider checking your conditioning system after that.

Air conditioners were introduced 10 years back and have improved and advanced a lot since then. The main reason for no effective cooling in your house can be due to the lower or older version of AC that is incapable of providing enough cooling in your house. The older versions of the AC are made on the seasonal energy efficiency ratio ranging from 6-7. But today the latest conditioners that are available in the market have a conditioning ratio from 11-13. So perhaps the degraded model of your AC may be pulling in more electricity and still not providing you enough energy.

To enhance the cooling in your house you may choose to sell or replace the older model in your house. When you go out in the market to purchase a new AC you must first check for its SEER ratio and must check for its rating as well. The newer models available in the market consume less energy and power. The higher is the rating of the air conditioning system the lower is its power consumption capacity and better is its efficiency in cooling your house.

When you choose an air conditioner with star label on it you can easily cut down the electricity bills and the efficiency of such conditioners is great and you can switch them off once the rooms get cool enough. Also try to choose products from the brands that are licensed and recognized and have been working in the same business for at least 7- 8 years.

If your home isn’t energy efficient your whole HVAC system performance will be affected and can result in a waste of energy. Get the best hvac contractor the Atlantis Air Conditioning Corp a family owned and operated with a repetition of the contractor who does it right the first time.

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